Monday, June 5, 2023


I remember when I first heard the term, “woke” applied to race relations. Several years ago, a good friend who is African American told me I was woke. She meant it as a compliment, and I took it as one.

“More people need to be woke,” I remember her saying.

“First they have to wake up,” I replied. “Maybe the saying should be, “wake up and stay woke.’” We both laughed.

Unfortunately, we're not laughing anymore, because through what I have to admit is a brilliant act of appropriation, that term has taken on a different meaning. When I hear or read it now, it’s often used as an insult toward people who hold a progressive view on issues involving racial and other types of diversity. And by that, I mean people who believe that racism still exists on individual and systemic levels and that we should talk about it because the way to make something better is to examine it in the light, not make believe it doesn’t exist. Someone once said that there are two problems that disappear if you ignore them long enough. Newsflash: racism isn’t one of them. (They’re snow and adolescence, if you’re wondering.)

Anyway, woke. The term is now often used with disdain to describe people who want to—I don’t know, what? Take down the American government (ironic in light of the events of January 6…)? Take away childhood innocence? Make life harder for white people (also ironic)? Teach our kids to hate our country?

Ridiculous, of course. None of these things is true, and as we teach our kids, saying something is true doesn’t make it true no matter how many times you say it.

I think it’s time to take back the word. What does it mean to be woke?

If WOKE means I understand that events don’t happen in a vacuum, then I’m woke.

If WOKE means I believe that the present is connected to the past, then I’m woke.

If WOKE means examining the past to understand the present, then I’m woke.

If WOKE means I don’t project my experiences on to others, then I’m woke.

If WOKE means I believe what people tell me about their experiences, then I’m woke.

If WOKE means being honest, no matter how painful, then I’m woke.

If WOKE means having the courage to talk about uncomfortable topics, then I’m woke.

If WOKE means respecting and valuing the ideas of people whose experience is different from mine, then I’m woke.

If WOKE means having empathy, then I’m woke.

If WOKE means wanting a fair and just society, then I’m woke.

If WOKE means examining past policies and practices that helped some and hurt others, then I’m woke.

If WOKE means giving extra help to folks who need it because of those past policies and practices, then I’m woke.

If WOKE means being aware of unearned factors in my background that have helped me succeed, then I’m woke.

And most of all, if WOKE means listening, if WOKE means caring, if WOKE means loving, then, please Lord, wake me up and keep me woke.


Revelation 3:2 - Wake up, and strengthen what remains and is about to die, for I have not found your works complete in the sight of my God.

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